How to make an appointment
How to make an appointment
Prenatal Appointments:
We understand that choosing a pediatrician is an extremely important decision in your child's life. Your pediatrician should be someone you are comfortable asking questions and getting information that you need for your child. In order to help our families feel confident in their decision to choose us, we offer free prenatal appointments where you can meet with your chosen pediatrician to ensure you feel it is a good fit for yourself and your family. Simply call our main appointment line at (540) 344-9213 and let the staff know you would like to make a prenatal appointment and they will be happy to help!
New Patients:
Prior to scheduling a new patient appointment, we will need a copy of your child's immunization records. If you have copies of other records as well, please have them faxed to our office at (540) 345-7559 or drop off the records at one of our offices. This will help to ensure a smooth transition of care. We also encourage you to bring any medications your child takes to your appointment. We will need a copy of any insurance cards your child currently has. To schedule a new patient appointment, please call us at (540) 344-9213. Below, you will find forms for you to fill out prior to your appointment.
Returning Patients:
You may call our office at 8:00 am- 5:00 pm for appointment scheduling or use the link below. For returning patients, you can simply self-schedule with your provider at a date and time that is ideal for you. Not all of our physicians are allowing self-scheduling at this time so if you have difficulty finding an appointment date/time you need or do not see your provider listed, please give our office a call at (540) 344-9213.
Our Vaccine Policy
Our Vaccine Policy
We firmly believe that vaccinating children and young adults may be the single most important health-promoting intervention we perform as Pediatricians and that you can perform as parents/caregivers. The recommended vaccines and their schedule are the results of decades of scientific study and data gathering on millions of children by thousands of bright, caring, and compassionate scientists and physicians.
We firmly believe in the effectiveness of vaccines to prevent serious illness and save lives.
We recognize that parents have many decisions to make regarding their child’s medical care. We will do everything we can to protect your child’s health as they grow and develop. A vital part of your child’s health relies upon following the most up to date vaccine schedule. Should you have any questions about vaccines, please discuss these with your health care provider in advance of your visit. We do not “break up vaccines” into their components nor do we endorse “alternate” or delayed vaccine schedules. Delaying vaccines to give one or two at a time goes against expert recommendations and leaves your child and other children at risk for infection. Furthermore, should you decide to refuse or significantly delay vaccines for your child, this may result in dismissal from Physicians to Children.
To read our full vaccine policy statement, please click here.